Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Governors' Day 1924 in King's Palace

Don't know when Governors Day was or who participated. Extra credit for
anyone who does know. b(*o*)b  I do know that on several occasions a
New Mexico governor showed up. In 1932 when the new elevator system
began, Governor Arthur Selignmann delighted in being the honorary
elevator operator, refusing to yield to other operators a turn or two to
run it. Glory Hog, no?

Bob Hoff


Tal Scott said...

Hello Bob, I have an interesting real photo postcard of the 1935 Govenor's Day and would be glad to send you a scan if you're interested. Regards, Tal Scott

Art said...

I would like to comment on you photo and narrative concerning the 1924 Governors Day at the caverns. Governor Arthur Seligman (note spelling) 1930-32 was my grandfather. Your photo from 1924 shows “Governor’s Day with Governor James F. Hinkle. Governor’s Day was a day of free entry to the park by any graduating high-school senior and they could spend the day with the Governor.
Governor Seligman celebrated the day on May 15 or 16, 1931 and again May 7, 1932.
He was also known as “the father of the lift.” I would speculate because of political favors he may have called in to help the NPS obtain funding for the lift project. I have a family photo that was taken on January 23, 1932 during the dedication ceremony for the completion of the 750-foot “straight lift hoist.” The Carlsbad Current Argus stated ““Governor Arthur Seligman, who is generally recognized as the ‘father of the elevator’ will preside at the ceremonies. “ The article continues to say that “Governor Seligman will be attended by his full official staff, and the Park Service will be represented by a strong delegation, bringing with them many government officials and their ladies, to what will be distinctly an epochal day in the government life of the greatest natural wonder known to man.”
The photo was taken facing the entrance with the reported crowd of over 400 attending winding their way into the Cavern. I can identify my grandfather; grandmother; my aunt, Governor Seligman’s step-daughter; Secretary of the Interior, Roy Wyman Wilbur: Director of The NPS, Horace Allbright; and US Senator Bronson Cutting. I am sure there are many other political figures I cannot identify. Additionally the Governor’s entire staff attended. I would be glad to send you a copy of this photo for your blog use with two provisions 1. Credit be given to me for furnishing the photo and 2. Any additional information found on the photo be furnished to me.

Arthur Seligman Scott
Note: The information on the photo was partially furnished courtesy of the New Mexico State Records Center and Archives It was taken from the Governor Seligman Papers.

Art said...

Let me know if you are interesed in photo.

Art Seligman Scott

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