Creation of Carlsbad Cavern National Park
An Act to establish the Carlsbad Caverns National Park in the State of New Mexico, and for other purposes, approved May 14, 1930 (46 Stat. 279)
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the tract of land heretofore known as the Carlsbad Cave National Monument, in the State of New Mexico, established and designated as a national monument under the Act of June 8, 1906, entitled “An Act for the preservation of American antiquities,” and by presidential proclamation of October 25, 1923, be, and the same is hereby, declared to be a national park and dedicated as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people under the name of the Carlsbad Caverns National Park, under which name the aforesaid national park shall be entitled to receive and to use all moneys heretofore or hereafter appropriated for the Carlsbad Cave National Monument.
SEC. 2. That the administration, protection, and development of said Carlsbad Caverns National Park shall be exercised under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior by the National Park Service, subject to the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled “An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes,” and Acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof.
SEC. 3. That the provisions of the Act of June 10, 1920, known as the Federal Water Power Act, shall not apply to or extend over the land hereby or hereafter reserved and dedicated as the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
SEC. 4. That the boundaries of said Carlsbad Caverns National Park may be enlarged by subsequent proclamation or proclamations of the President upon the recommendations of the Secretary of the Interior, to include any or all of the following-described lands, to wit: Sections 1, 12, and 13, township 24 south, range 22 east; sections 1 to 18, inclusive, 20 to 28, inclusive, and 33 to 36, inclusive, township 24 south, range 23 east; the entire township 24 south, range 24 east; sections 6, 7, 18, and 19, and 27 to 34, inclusive, township 24 south, range 25 east; sections 24, 25, 35, and 36, township 25 south, range 22 east; the entire township 25 south, range 23 east; north half of township 25 south, range 24 east; sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, and 18, township 25 south, range 25 east; sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, and 14, and 19 to 36, inclusive, township 26 south, range 22 east; west half of township and sections 22 to 26, inclusive, township 26 south, range 23 east; all with respect to the New Mexico principal meridian.
From CAVE web page link
Meanwhile, during the same month at the newly created national park:
May 1930
900 A very important incident during this month was the discovery on May 23rd by Tom Wilson, working on our entrance trail under the immediate direction of Assistant Engineer Dunn, of a Asandal@ which was identified as having been made by a basketmaker who probably inhabited this area between 2000 and 6000 years ago. This was discovered in some silt along our new trail about 200 feet inside the arch of the cavern in a little grotto to one side of the main arch. Owing to the fragile nature of this find, we are holding it in absolute safe keeping until such a time as Superintendent Nusbaum can come down here and give us his idea as to the best method of its preservation. Outside of the several "rock-circles" or "cooking pits" just outside the cavern entrance, this is the first evidence that the Carlsbad Cavern was known to prehistoric man. Wilson immediately turned this sandal over to Mr. Dunn, who was fully appreciative of its importance, and at once phoned the Superintendent, who drove out with Mr. Anderson of the Carlsbad Argus, who readily identified the find as a basketmaker sandal. It is surprising what widespread distribution was given the news item concerning the finding of this sandal.
The above came from CAVE Superintendent Tom Boles May 1930 Monthly Report and was selected and included in a chronology researched and assembled by retired CAVE Personnel Specialist PeggyJustice when she was a VIP for me as the CAVE Park Historian.
In December 1995, due largely to the efforts of Management Assistant Bob Crisman who led the nomination process, our national park became a World heritage Site.
Carlsbad Caverns NP at World Heritage Site
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