Saturday, June 04, 2011

The “Egg Yolk” Room

Hi, Andy K.
Sorry to respond so slowly to your question about Egg Yolk  room. I don’t see it mentioned in the electronic version of the Place names files that I have.
I talked to Ron K. on the phone the other night and he doesn’t remember it. He offered that what makes remembering  such places so difficult at times is that we don’t really even know what cave we are talking about.
Has anyone else heard of this room?
In the meantime, I can continue to field place names questions to the best of my records.
Of course, don’t forget that place names like everything else in the world change constantly. Everything in the world is in a process.
“Historical Facts not agreed on”
Sometimes in later years we don’t agree “to the facts” of what we remember. To this day, I remember that on the 4th of July weekend in 1971 one of the escorted down the Main Corridor groups (no stops/talks except at the natural entrance had 1500+ visitors. Someone in authority thought me wrong. I couldn’t prove it. I recall that the largest group of people travelling though the caverns was 3000+ but I would have to go make and look for my source.
Length of Lechuguilla Cave
Discovered Mileage
Dale Pate told me the other day that Lechuguilla Cave is around 130 miles.
List of Area Managers  ??
Ron K. suggested that such a list of these managers might be useful to our CAVE history research inquiries and I agree. I think that Larry Henderson, who was one of them, might have useful information.
Can anyone else suggest any leads in working up such a list?
Bob Hoff

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